The Foundation is empowered by our congregation to provide stewardship awareness among Trinity members and friends with regard to accumulated, inherited, or appreciated resources, to solicit and receive support in the form of gifts toward the work of the Church and the Foundation, and to faithfully manage the resources placed in its care.
It is a separate non-profit corporation formed under Section 501c(3) of the 1986 Internal Revenue Service Code.
To request consideration for a scholarship through the Trinity Lutheran Foundation click the button and then complete the form. You will receive a copy of the form for your records. Applications are due on the last day of May each year.
To request consideration for a scholarship through the Trinity Lutheran Foundation, click the button and then complete the form. You will receive a copy of the form for your records. Applications are due on the last day of May each year.
Foundation FAQ’s
Other questions? Talk to one of your Foundation Board Members listed below.
Categories of gifts acceptable to Trinity Lutheran Church and its Foundation are cash, securities, real estate or personal property; and such gifts may be directed to “Memorial” or “Perpetual Funds.”
All cash gifts are received and deposited by the Church, and then transferred as appropriate to the Foundation.
Non-cash gifts are converted to cash by the Foundation and the proceeds are invested until needed.
Receipt of all gifts will be acknowledged by the Church to the donors or their estates.
Be advised that the Foundation has the “right of refusal” with regard to any gift. Furthermore, any gift – once accepted – becomes the property of the Foundation to be used solely at its discretion in conformance with its mission and approved guidelines.
The Foundation cannot act as a “pass-through agent” for purposes not in conformance with its articles of incorporation and bylaws, the document of understanding with its parent Trinity Lutheran Church and the approved guidelines for carrying out its responsibilities.
By May 31 of each year, the Foundation provides the Council a statement identifying assets anticipated to be available for use in the upcoming budget year.
By the following September 30, the Council will review the Congregation’s goals and needs for the coming year, and proceed to submit recommendations to the Foundation regarding use of the funds anticipated to be available.
Memorial Fund: Memorial gifts, including interest earned thereon, may be used for purposes requested by the Church Council and approved by the Foundation. A sub-account accumulates funds that can be used to assist persons wishing to study or train for church-related vocations.
Unrestricted Perpetual Fund: Gifts given without designation or restriction. Only the interest earned may be used.
Restricted Perpetual Fund: Gifts given for specific purposes and/or for programs administered by the Foundation (such as the Scholarship Program.) Only the interest earned may be used.
Two sub-accounts currently exist:
- General scholarships to members
- Providing animals to raise the income of needy families globally through the ELCA’s World Hunger Appeal/God’s Global Barnyard Program